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Youth Group Pricing

The pricing structure below requires a minimum number of 10 young people to be booked and paid.  We offer discounts for groups larger than 20 so please get in touch to discuss if this applies to your event.


Bushcraft has a variety of activities to choose from which include our standard options shown below but we can also offer others on request as well as full badge programs.


All bushcraft sessions include marshmallows to toast over the campfire and hot drinks


Adult Leaders to ratio can join in any of the activities and camp free of charge

Hammocks and Tarps in Rika Ace woods Camping
Scouts doing green woodworking at Rika, parachute, woodland

Camping Options

Camping - £5pppn


Bushcraft Session (range of activities from below for 3 hour session) - £10pp


Archery 1 hour session (aged 8+) - £10pp


Crossbows 1 hour session (aged 8+) - £10pp


Other activities can be provided by arrangement such as game prep, djembe drumming, orienteering, navigation, a range of first aid courses, block printing, wellness activities and more

Activities Only

Bushcraft session (range of activities from below for 2 hour session) - £10pp


Archery 1 hour session (aged 8+) - £10pp


Crossbows 1 hour session (aged 8+) - £10pp

Bushcraft Activity Options

Campfire at Rikas main bushcraft camp area


Fire Demo and Fire Lighting

Natural shelter in Rika ACE woodland

Natural Shelters

Natural shelter making

Hammocks and Tarp shelters at Rika ACE for camping.  DD frontline hammocks in use

Tarps and Hammocks

Tarp use and Tarp Shelters as well as a chance to try out a hammock

Water filtration used recycled and natural products


Finding, filtering and purifying water.  Including making your own filter

Rika Ace Main camping field in the sunshine

Woodland Nature Hunt

Perfect for the younger children

Rika Ace woodland crafts.  Woodland crowns activity

Woodland Crafts

A variety of options for woodland crafts such as wand making, nature crowns, natural paint pictures etc

Damper bread cooking on the campfire at Rika ACE

Camp Fire Cooking

Basic campfire cooking with a choice of food items at various ability levels

child doing natural cordage at Rika ACE - Bushcraft activities for children

Natural Cordage

Make your own natural cordage and elder beads for a personal bracelet

Butter spreader carved from green wood at a Rika Ace green woodworking activity workshop

Green Wood Carving

Carve your own wood item (butter spreader, spatula, wood mallet)- item varies dependant on age and ability.  For age 10+

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